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"Unshakeable Joy" - (a new poem by Adina Lynn LeCompte)

A new poem came to me this morning: "Unshakeable Joy" (see below...)

As I sat and took in the sights and sounds of the morning and began my day in gratitude, I came across the phrase “Lens of Unshakable Joy”. WOW! What an incredible phrase!!!

Imagine what your life would be like, could be like, if you were fully guided by synchronicity and intuition - if indeed you were to view and experience the world through a lens of unshakable joy. Imagine a child in their natural state of purity and innocence, experiencing pure unadulterated joy and bliss. Or imagine the high vibing frequency of your most cherished Spiritual Teacher / Leader (s).

What if even the negativity that life and less fortunate souls may throw at you, indeed truly had nowhere to land, except for awakening ever deeper layers of love, compassion and understanding of our true nature and true purpose? What if we could not only let go of resistance, reside in a Divine "flow" state, and embody this inspirational state of consciousness.

So ask yourself a simple question, if you dare... "Is there any reason this cannot be true for me, as well?"

SO, as of this morning, this is my new aspiration and inspiration, to live and love through the lens of unshakable joy. Love this!

Xoxo to all and bye for now,

"Unshakeable Joy"

I live in the eye of the hurricane.

I drink tea with the Divine.

I bow to the Ocean, and she replies in kind.

- Adina Lynn LeCompte 10/30/23

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