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"Be Curious, Not Judgemental..."

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

There's a great scene in the Apple TV series "Ted Lasso" in which Ted is challenged to a game of darts, during which he gives an incredible monologue about how he has been underestimated his whole life. (Worth the watch! Google the clip of the darts scene!) So he tells this great story about how he used to resent this, but then he realized (I'm paraphrasing and interpreting now...) how small minded of an approach this is - and that one of the real problems in our word is that people puff themselves up by putting others down and by being judgmental of people, places, and things. He reminisces on the phrase: "Be curious, not judgmental." (At this point the puffed-up pompous-a** thinks he is winning at the game and continues to mouth off and be offensive.) Ted nonchalantly continues and mentions that if the pompous a** would have been in the least bit curious, he might have asked Ted if he had played darts much... To which Ted says he would have answered yes, that he played every Sunday with his Dad from the time he was 10 years old to the time he was 16 when his father passed. (I'm really digging the story re-telling... It just touched me this morning...) Then Ted threw 2 triples and a bullseye and won the game. And it was all done with humility.

So, this morning I wanted to be like Ted. And then as my day unfolded, I got some unique opportunities to see some of the dramatic changes in myself that have come about from a lot of deep healing and recovery work. And what I realized was that being a "Ted" could be a great reminder for all of this in this "un-Ted-like" world. If the people from my past who were dealing with me today would have been the least bit curious about why I was doing what I was doing or whether I was even still the same person they thought I was - then it could have been much more of a win-win situation. Instead, it wasn't. But I can tell you that I won today, because Adina 2.0 is now consistent in her thoughts, words and deeds. I say what I mean. I mean what I say. And I don't say it mean. And I'm curious about the world around me. I have been willing to look deeply at my life, deeply at my past, and deeply at toxic situations I found myself in. And with an intense curiosity and great compassion, here is what I found: the previous version of myself did not know what I now know. And what I know now is that I don't have to accept unacceptable behavior and I don't have to support the lies and deceit of others. I also know that I have such freedom in my life, my heart, and my mind because I'm not dishonest with myself anymore either.

Now I'm curious what this touches in you, in your life and mind? Anybody relate? Nice chatting with you and thanks for bringing this our in me. This challenge is bringing forth a lot of opportunities for you to get to know more about me, and about "Write Your Way Into Healing. Bye for now!

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