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"On Vulnerability..."

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Welcome again to my "Straight from the Heart" Challenge. I have challenged myself to share something with you everyday to let you get to know a little about me and about my energy. About what I do and why my work is important - to me, to you, and to the world. Today is Day 10 of 30. And this morning I choose the topic of "vulnerability".

Ever done an image search for "vulnerable" or "vulnerability"? Well I hadn't until this morning; and what I found were mostly images portraying weakness, despair, sadness, or hackers (yeah, that one seemed like the odd man out to me too although it also made sense in our mixed up world of cyber-security, identity theft, and so much other , well - "vulnerability", I suppose.) My point being, I was surprised at the primarily negative connotations.

Last night I was given the opportunity to share my personal story with a group as an example of hope and transformation. And this morning I woke up with a vulnerability hangover. And a small handful of self-doubt. After allowing the shadowy forms of my subconscious to dissipate into the morning light, here is what I came up with: There is also a definition of vulnerability that includes a quiet strength, and courage. The ability to stand in the truth of who we are, comfortable in our own skin, with our heart exposed (in a healthy way) can allow others to feel comfortable doing the same. To share (in a general way) of having not only survived trauma or grief (or another life altering event), but to have healed and thrived, can allow for hope and for human connection.

There is so much shame in the world and in our society today. So much separation and so much weakness and even downright meanness. And in my opinion, the way to heal that is through healing our own individual wounds, transmuting our own pain, standing tall and strong, and looking the world in the eye and saying: "Here I am. I am ok. I am enough and I am worthy. I have a purpose and a mission and so do you."

We express our inner strength in the way we hold ourselves, the way we interact with each other, and in the way we create and share. We do "vulnerability" in safe ways with safe people. We do not have to lay our innermost wounds and tender points in the middle of the proverbial table, nor do we wear them on our sleeve for all to see (and judge). We do not put ourselves at risk or in harms way. We are not weak and we neither allow ourselves to be exploited nor accept attacks on our open-hearted humanity. But we approach life honestly and openly, with as pure and aligned heart as possible.

Connection heals.

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