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"About Playfulness and Laughter..." - "Straight from the Heart"

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

"About Playfulness and Laughter..." This is the topic I feel called to share with you today. In reflecting back through my personal journey of healing, besides tons of writing, there has also been lots of playfulness and laughter.

I remember several years back when I felt like I laughed for the first time. It was a belly laugh. It crept up seemingly from my toes. And it wasn't a small giggle or chuckle. No, this thing had a life of its own! It was big and bold and full and wonderful. And it felt great! Of course I don't remember exactly what I laughed at - but I actually think that's the point. It's not laughing at a joke or anything in particular. It's about approaching life with a sense of wonder and joy.

In my opinion and experience, any journey of healing, of inner soul-work, of recovery from abuse or trauma, include an inner-child element. There are tons of resources and information on healing your inner-child. And I have discovered and also created some incredible writing exercises and experiences that include your inner-child. Healing the inner woundness is essential. But my understanding is that you don't just finish and then tuck that inner-child away in a corner and forget about her or him. No, now you get to let them come out to play. And this is truly the fun part! It's exciting and joyful and free.

For me, another part of the growth that has allowed me to become more childlike and playful is learning to worry and care less about what people think about me. I am good enough and worthy enough and that's enough. There is absolutely nothing wrong with me and if I want to jump in a mud puddle, then by all means, let's jump in a mud puddle. (Just to set the record straight, that wasn't a mud puddle outside of Citizens Bank Ballpark in Philly. It was just a plain ordinary (and quite large) rain puddle. And it called to me really loud to run and jump right in the middle of it. So I did.)

My inner-child is named "Sweetpea" and when she gets excited and playful, I try to honor that and let her come out to play.

What's your favorite playful moment? I'd love to hear your comments. Have fun and let your hair down. Live, laugh, love, and play. TTYS - Bye for now! xo

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